OUR way FOR cutting edge SOCIAL MEDIA
We see the (your) bigger picture
We understand the complex relationships between the various disciplines of digital marketing and manage to maintain transparent independence and objectivity within our customers. To work with you developing strategies, achieving your goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.
We combine the use of data
We structure the collection, processing and evaluation of all data that can be collected within social media measures and use it as a basis for continuous recommendations for ongoing and future projects. Helping you to decide on the right data for your advertising success.
We act effectively and agile
In today's world of the social web, responsiveness and speed are decisive for virality and ultimately success. Our structure enables the agile implementation of cutting-edge social media activities. To do this, we combine the use of internal, strategic and operational experts with external specialists.

In-House Social Team Building
In today's digital world, social media strategies are essential for a company's success. But so are responsiveness and speed of action. Thatswhy we believe in the power of Inhouse-Social Teams. We help companies within the 3 core areas of Team-Stack, Tech-Stack & Structure and Processes to build and expand an effective social media teams in the long term, prevent knowledge drain, minimize agency costs and increase the effectiveness of measures.
& Kreativ fokussiert
Through our audits and workshops, we increase the performance of your social media channels while reducing your costs. We examine individual accounts with regard to objectives, account structure, campaign construction, tracking and measurement, and system settings. After completing the audit, you will receive a comprehensive scoring with precise recommendations for action aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of your measures and sustainably improving your digital marketing strategy.
Durch gezielte Analysen und eine agile Content-Produktion reagiert Elevate schnell auf Veränderungen und setzt neue Impulse in klare Strategien um. Die Maßnahmen sind genau abgestimmt, um Communities authentisch zu erreichen und langfristig zu binden. So bleibt Elevate Advertising am Puls der Zeit – und stets einen Schritt voraus.
Agil & Effektiv
In today's social media world, the dynamism and fragmentation are unprecedented. It is almost impossible to stay up to date in all areas and at the same time not neglect day-to-day business. Elevate offers customized training concepts for you and your team, including workshops, hands-on training, keynote speeches, and more.